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Special Offer - Order now get a flat 10 % off. Pormo Code: SAVE10. Minimum Order Value Rs. 699. Toll Free Number (9.00 AM to 07:00 PM) || WhatsApp: 8291680965



X-PILES TABLETS is a potent herbal treatment for haemorrhoids. It helps to reduce the pile mass in sentinel tags in anal fissures.


  • Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory: Reduces pain, swelling & burning sensation
  • Arrests bleeding
  • Soothes perianal region, reduces itching.
  • Quick regression/reduction of pile mass & Sentinal tags in anal fissures
  • Has mild laxative action. Reduces gases & painful defecation.
  • Improves digestion.
Pack Size
60 Tablet

X-PILES TABLETS is a potent herbal treatment for haemorrhoids. It helps to reduce the pile mass in sentinel tags in anal fissures. It has a mild laxative action.

X-PILES TABLETS possesses appetizer and digestive actions which helps to prevent loss of appetite, indigestion and constipation which are the main causes of haemorrhoids.
The anti-inflammatory & astringent properties of the ingredients check the bleeding and help quick recovery.


Recommended Dosage:

As directed by the Physician

Write a review
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I have been suffering for long but this is Best medication for piles. with this I am also using X Piles Ointment.

24 November 2021
Hemant Kate

I m sufferring from since last year and i tried many medicine but not effective. But I tried since one month X-Plies Tab and ointments its very effective extend result feeling well.

24 March 2022
Mallesh Sutar

Very effecfive products for Piles. Excellent results. I m using

24 March 2022

highly effective product

09 December 2022

it's a good product for digestion

09 December 2022

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