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Special Offer - Get a flat 10 % off ! Promo Code: LMRFREE10 . Minimum Order Value Rs. 799. Toll Free Number (9.00 AM to 07:00 PM) || WhatsApp: 8291680965
The menstrual cycle is a regular biological process that drains the unfertilized egg out of the vagina in women after they have attained a certain age. Normally, the human menstrual cycle takes place every 25-30 days and lasts for anything between 2-7 days, but since it is a biological process, the numbers may vary significantly depending on each one’s medical conditions. But in certain cases, this biological clock can go haywire due to a plethora of issues, and in such cases, something like a hormonal balance syrup might just be the way to go.
In this blog, we will be taking a look at some of the primary signs that may indicate the occurrence of irregular periods, some of the main causes that may trigger such irregularities in women, and what may be some of the best natural remedies that women can avail of in this day and age to treat this phenomenon. So, let’s get started.
Signs of irregular periods.
As aforementioned, there is a wide range within which women might experience their periods, and this is something that can vary widely from person to person, but when that range is exceeded, it can be safely assumed that the affected individual is suffering from symptoms of irregular periods. Some of the main indicators of such an occurrence taking place are as follows:
● The interval between each
menstrual cycle fluctuates massively on a monthly basis.
● The onset of the next period arriving before 21 days or later than 35 days, something which is not normal at all.
● Every menstrual cycle results in a particular quantity of discharge being let out, but if this quantity gets reduced drastically, then it may indicate irregular periods.
If someone is experiencing the aforementioned symptoms, something like a natural hormonal balance syrup can work wonders, but more on that later!
Biologically, there are a number of reasons that may cause such irregular periods in women, and unfortunately, our modern lifestyles have resulted in such causes being quite a frequent occurrence. Let’s take a look at some of them here.
● A biological hormonal imbalance in women has proved to be one of the primary factors that can cause irregular periods on a regular basis.
● The consumption of contraceptives can trigger irregular periods in women as well. In certain cases, sexual issues may arise between partners, and in such a situation, a vigour tablet can come in handy.
● Obesity has turned out to be a major part of our daily lives, and unless someone sticks to a strict fitness regime, obesity gets selected as the default option. This has turned out to be a major factor in causing irregular periods as well.
● Excessive stress can cause irregular menstrual cycles in women as well.
● PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, has turned out to be quite a frequent ailment in this day and age as well, and this is a medical condition that can be linked to irregular periods.
Unfortunately, the aforementioned causes have turned out to be quite common nowadays, but natural remedies can be used to reverse and remedy the symptoms of irregular menstrual cycles in more ways than one. The best syrup for irregular periods can have a profound effect, something that just cannot be ignored by anyone who is facing such issues. Now, let us examine some of the main natural remedies that can come in handy in such situations.
Hormonal balance syrup- Hormonal imbalance in women acts as one of the main triggers when it comes to irregular menstrual cycle in women, and thus, it only makes sense that a natural hormone balance syrup is tried. Ayurvedic syrups are some of the bests when it comes to delivering the desired effects while helping keep side effects at bay as well.
Unripe papaya- One of the very best natural medications that can be availed to remedy and reverse irregular periods is unripe papaya. Well, you see, unripe papaya is known to enhance uterine contractions, something that is essential if you are looking to gain a smooth period cycle. Consuming raw papaya juice is one of the best ways in which you enjoy the benefits that this vegetable has to deliver, but you mustn’t consume it during periods.
Turmeric- When it comes to natural and Ayurvedic remedies, few can beat the potentiality and versatility that turmeric brings to the table. Due to the anti-spasmodic properties involved, regular consumption of turmeric with milk and honey can work wonders.
Apple Cider Vinegar- For someone who has PCOS, Apple cider vinegar can work wonders! Hormonal balance plays a major role in regulating the menstrual cycle, something that this helps achieve. Moreover, this can help you lose a certain amount of weight in the process as well, so that is a benefit as well!
Experiencing a regular menstrual cycle is something that is desired by every woman there is, and the aforementioned natural remedies can help get just that. If you are looking for the best syrup for irregular periods, L’Amar’s extensive portfolio has got you covered! In fact, our Femtonic Syrup has been carefully formulated to aid in the restoration of the H-P-O Axis, tackle issues like menstrual irregularities and unexplained infertility, and more! Ensure safe menstruation with our products today.