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Special Offer - Get a flat 10 % off ! Promo Code: LMRFREE10 . Minimum Order Value Rs. 799. Toll Free Number (9.00 AM to 07:00 PM) || WhatsApp: 8291680965
The liver is the largest organ of our body by a good margin, so it only goes without saying that the role that it plays in our daily lives is central to maintaining good health and a top-notch standard of life. Although the liver is the only organ in our body that possesses the power to regenerate itself after almost 90% has been removed, we must bear in mind that they aren’t immortal and would only work as long as we treat them well and with dignity. The consumption of the best liver tonic or capsule is one of the best ways by which we can maintain good liver health, but more on that later!
In this blog, we will be taking a closer look at some of the core functions that the liver performs constantly, how they defend us from toxins and other biological impurities that may be present in our system, and ultimately, explore some of the methods and ways in which we can maintain our livers to keep them in top working order. So, let’s get started.
The essentiality of the liver.
Among all the different organs that our bodies rely on a daily basis, the liver is one of the most important. While several organs like the heart and pancreas are entrusted to do just one thing perfectly well, the liver is something of a multitasker, and what this means is that they are known to execute several bodily functions, some of which are as follows.
● It is the liver that is responsible for the production of bile, an enzyme that is responsible for the transport of wastes and the breakage of fat molecules present in the small intestine during digestion. This is one of the primary roles that the liver plays when it comes to purifying and protecting our bodies from toxic chemicals and pollutants.
● If you are familiar with the various components that are present in the bloodstream, you would be aware of the importance that plasma holds in the perspective of the bigger picture. Well, it is the liver that is responsible for manufacturing the proteins that go into making blood plasma. The usage of an Ayurvedic liver carecapsule in an organized manner would help the liver perform the manufacturing process like a well-oiled machine.
● The liver is the organ that frees our bloodstream of toxins and other poisonous substances that may be present. This helps defend us against potential health threats while ensuring the freshness of the blood that is coursing through our circulatory systems.
● The bacteria and other microbes that are present in our bloodstream might pose a serious threat to our bodies if left unchecked, but fortunately, it is the liver that acts as a guardian against these microbial invaders. They purify the bloodstream on a regular basis, thereby helping us maintain good blood health and purity.
● The presence of bilirubin in our bloodstream can act against our well-being. During jaundice, it is bilirubin that causes us to turn yellowish and pale as the liver is unable to execute its regular functions. In a healthy body, the liver is responsible for breaking down and removing bilirubin from the RBCs.
● Ammonia is a chemical that is potentially poisonous to our bodies, but there are a large number of sources that deposit ammonia in our bodies. It is up to the liver to remove the ammonia by converting it into urea. Once converted, urea can be removed from our body through the passage of urine. As a side note, the pungent smell that emanates from urine is due to the presence of urea.
Besides the aforementioned activities, the liver performs a plethora of other tasks like the regulation of blood clotting and conversion of glucose into glycogen, and all these go to show how important the liver is to our bodies. Maintaining good liver health is all that more essential against such a backdrop, and thus, here are a few methods and techniques that can help you do just that.
● Taking an Ayurvedic liver supplement from a top manufacturer can help you maintain good health and working order. Such supplements can address each and every necessity that the liver might be facing, helping them stay healthy and functioning.
● Adhering to a correct body mass is one of the best ways in which a non-alcoholic fatty liver incident can be avoided.
● Regular exercise can help burn triglycerides for energy, thereby reducing the amount of fat affecting proper liver function.
● Besides consuming an Ayurvedic liver care capsule, cutting down on alcohol consumption can help massively as well. Excess alcohol causes liver scarring and destruction of liver cells, something that can be avoided by limiting consumption and maintaining it within specific limits.
It won’t be wrong to say that the liver is one of the most important body organs there is, and the aforementioned material helps shed light on that fact. Maintaining good liver health is extremely essential, and a good Ayurvedic liver care capsule is arguably the best way in which it can be achieved. L’Amar brings you the best Ayurvedic liver capsules and supplements, and our Hepalina Liver Care Capsules are formulated to improve liver function, aid in digestion, and boost metabolism. You just cannot afford to ignore this in 2023.