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Special Offer - Get a flat 10 % off ! Promo Code: LMRFREE10 . Minimum Order Value Rs. 799. Toll Free Number (9.00 AM to 07:00 PM) || WhatsApp: 8291680965
Ayurveda is a school of medicine that has been around for thousands of years, healing and helping people attain a healthy life that isn’t plagued by constant turmoil and aches. While other medications tackle the symptoms that are displayed by a particular disease, ayurveda believes in eliminating the problems right from the source, thereby ensuring holistic and lasting health advantages. A similar phenomenon is observed when it comes to the human digestive system as well, aided by methods like digestion syrup, tablets, herbs, regular physical exercises, etc.
A large number of individuals usually find it hard to fathom how deep the roots of Ayurvedic wellness extend when it comes to the human digestive system. The role that Ayurveda plays in improving our gut health is simply unparalleled, thereby turning out to be something that we can all benefit from massively. So, let’s get started.
Effective meditation.
The real essence of Ayurveda lies in the fact that they don’t just rely on medicines and injections to remedy the prodromes that you are facing but enable us to change our lifestyle significantly in a manner that would help improve our health. Besides going for something like digestive syrup, individuals are encouraged to start by meditating if they wish to improve their digestive performance.
Conventionally, 30 minutes of meditation on a bi-daily basis can help restore the body’s homeostasis, something that automatically helps heighten digestion.
Avoid overeating.
We have heard the common notion that going overboard with anything is a bad decision, and the same is true when it comes to our bodies as well. Everyone has a specific calorific requirement that they must aim to fulfill regularly, but overeating wouldn’t be a wise thing to do as that may lead to poor digestive performance. Ideally, one must prefer going for smaller portions at regular intervals as that would leave space in our stomachs for digestion to take place.
Syrups and tonics.
Unlike other schools of medicine that focus on chemically-obtained medicines to heal the body rapidly, consuming something like digestive syrup on a regular basis can help improve the overall health of the physiological system effectively and efficiently. Several top manufacturers in India craft exceptional tonics and immunity booster syrup for diarrhoea, enzymes, acidity, etc., and getting them would certainly help you in more ways than one.
Herbal teas can work wonders!
Among all the remedies that are prescribed under Ayurveda that can improve gastric performance, herbal teas remain some of the most popular ones out there. Ginger tea is one of the most common Ayurvedic teas that we are familiar with, and this is mostly down to the fact that ginger has been a mainstay of the Ayurvedic ecosystem for quite some time now.
If you are suffering from symptoms and ailments like indigestion, diarrhoea, acidity, etc. on a regular basis, consuming herbal tea from a reputed company can certainly help.
Detox regularly.
A tried and tested method of rekindling the Agni is through regular detoxification. This helps us rid our bodies of several harmful toxins and pollutants, something that would otherwise pathetically clog our systems. Consuming Ayurvedic juices in a prescribed manner regularly would help us free ourselves of every last toxin that may be bothering our digestive systems.
Limiting excess fat in diets.
There’s an ongoing taboo about fatty foods that they are harmful to our bodies, and for the most part, they are correct as well. Excessive fat consumption clogs our digestive tracts, thereby slowing down the entire digestion process, but there’s a caveat in this entire idea that you just cannot afford to ignore. There are good fats present in diets as well, something that helps us develop our muscles along with proteins, and thus, consuming a certain amount of fat regularly is essential. According to Ayurveda, the right thing to do would be to consume a restricted amount of fats with fibrous fibers. Following such a diet would make our digestive systems really happy!
Properly schedule your meals.
If you are looking to improve your digestive system naturally and effectively, dining at the same time every day can help massively. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner times must be maintained strictly according to Ayurveda if the digestive system is to be kept in top-notch working order in this day and age.
Stress management.
High-stress levels can mess with our digestive systems in more ways than one, and unfortunately, this is something that we are heavily exposed to in this day and age. Now, stress can be mitigated through Ayurvedic medications and massages effectively, thereby helping improve gut health and digestion in the process as well.
Ayurvedic methods and medicines can help exceptionally when it comes to maintaining our digestive systems, be it through the use of syrup for diarrhoea or through meditation. If you are looking to pick up exceptional Ayurvedic treatments and syrups in India to strengthen your digestive systems, L’Amar is the one you must go for. Our Bilavarex Syrup has been introduced to strengthen your GI tracts, boost your digestive systems, improve bowel movements, and so much more! Bring home the magic of Ayurveda today.